
Lynn Duffy’s Prenatal Postnatal Training Method.

First trimester:
Strength training, cardiovascular training, flexibility.
Establish or continue a strong base of strength, flexibility, and cardio.
Most women can safely continue or start normal exercise without modification. Concern at this stage is exercising with lack of proper oxygen and being overheated. Exercise in the first trimester will help nausea,fatigue and early appetite changes.

Second Trimester:
Strength training, cardiovascular training, flexibility.
Exercise and posture will be modified for the safety of the baby and client.
Emphasis on building lean muscle as the pregnant body will naturally try to hold on to body fat. To keep weight at a minimum building lean muscle is critical at this stage. Also strength to support the growing baby.
Abdominal training will change. No back lying exercises. Pelvic floor exercise start. Kegels.  Implementing Tupler Technique belly breathing for abdominal training.
Cardiovascular declines at this stage, safe guidelines for cardiovascular training.
Joints and pelvis open, proper instructions on flexibility and stretching.

Third Trimester:
Flexibility, Strength Training, Cardiovascular Training.
Emphasis in the third Trimester is flexibility. Baby and body are bigger. Pelvis,  joints and spine are weighted. To keep body pain free and comfortable more flexibility and stretching is required. Also creating space for the baby.
Continue strength and cardiovascular training modified.
Excessively tight, weighted, weak body can prolong the labor. Careful consideration in this trimester on exercise selection for a safe, quick, easy labor is priority.
Continue strength and cardiovascular training modified.

Postnatal Training:
Doctors will clear to resume exercise 4-6 weeks after labor.
Post baby, reestablishing a strong core and reactivating muscles is top priority. If the core is weak, and muscles are not “firing” properly there is a great risk for injury after labor. Jumping into exercise too soon or too aggressively can result in an injury. Postnatal method is precise core/ abdominal training with gradual strength and cardiovascular progressions. Weight loss and endurance focused.

Exercise for postpartum depression.

Diastasis rehab. Healing and strengthening of abdominal splitting from pregnancy.

All clients must get clearance from a Doctor to start program.